Market day is over. I'm having an unagi bowl with brown rice. My wife insists I eat brown rice though I can't digest it well. She says to chew the hell out of it. I'm sure it's still going to chew the hell out of me, but I'm hungry. My son is peacefully napping. He's teething now, so any quiet time is appreciated. My dog is usually by my desk when I'm eating (eating at your desk is a horrible habit, btw). For some reason, she'd rather be under the bed right now.
I wound up paper trading again today. My intention was to start trading after Labor Day, but it didn't happen today. More than a handful of people in the chatroom have started with real money very recently with great results. I don't know why that's more discouraging than encouraging for me. One bastard even went 6-6 today on his first day. All winners on ZLRs (zero line rejections) and he had the nerve to whine about only getting 8 ticks on his last trade.
This is why I'm so ambivalent about the benefits of chatrooms. The stuff bragged about accumulates like plaque in my arteries. Am I a bad person? Why can't I be happy if a fellow trader is gleefully making money (when I'm not)? Woodie's motto is "Traders helping traders." Why do I occasionally want to kick the shit out of some of them? Why did I sign up for another year of this chatroom this morning for $159? What the fuck is wrong with me?
LOL about Gio!
I'm going to try to refrain from ragging on any specific people (by name) in the chatroom, esp any of the moderators (who should be complimented for being so giving of their time and trying to be helpful). Knowing me, I'll probably falter and start blasting some of them, but that's only because I'm such a bitter SOB. :)
I started with Woodie on Paltalk early in 2003. That's when he was moderating everyday. It was good. I just wasn't in the right mindframe to be successful with any system/technique at the time. I had previously paid $1500 for two systems and was not seeing results. Though they didn't work, I wasn't ready to completely abandon my investment in time/effort/money I poured into them and follow Woodie completely. Enough failure has now brought me back to Woodie ready to make a clean start.
We'll see how it goes. Thanks for your interest. Hope the trading is going well for you and your wife.
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