I got boomeranged by the flu. Started Tuesday night. Just had the chills that wouldn't go away with an electric blanket on high, triple layered socks, a hat with flaps over my ears, and even gloves. Bodyaches and extreme fatigue followed as I slept in all of Wednesday into mid-Thursday. Now I've got the runs 5 minutes after I eat/drink anything, and I can't get back to sleep.
Good news is I've lost all the holiday weight I gained (at least until my plumbing works properly again). Also, the baby seems to be feeling better. Mommy switched him to soy formula a couple days ago and that's helping.
Woodie's created a shitload of new HC rooms for some reason. I decided to try out the "beginners" room, and I like it. It's a lot cozier, and there's no moderator. Gio was doing a lecture at pre-open, Woodie's been in and out and had his charts up most of the morning, and NickTrader's been in all day calling out some stuff and putting up a few charts. Other than thata, it's just been folks calling out patterns/trades/questions without the cliquish prattle of the in-crowd and the annoying time-filler rap of the latest moderator of the month (seems the entire roster of moderators has rotated anew recently). This seems like a good enough place to hang for now.
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