YM 2 min - 2 trades/+28 ticks
Didn't get much sleep again last night. Baby woke up at midnight and 5am for overnight feedings. I thought we were through with that crap at the 6 month mark when he started sleeping through the night. Maybe it's a growth spurt. He's been starting to stretch out now while his weight is holding steady, which is quite a relief for us. He was starting to be quite the porker, staying in the 90th percentile for weight and in the 30s for height. He's only gained 1 pound in the past 3 months, though, and is now around the 70th percentile for both. Parents care a lot about that stuff. One day we'll fret about grades and IQ scores and SAT scores, but for now, it's lbs and inches.
I'm pooped out after trading for 2 hours, so I'm calling it quits. Stuck to the 2 min chart today and took two nice ghost (H&S) shorts. Second trade was one of them "hands up" ghosts that are supposedly very rare, but I see them more than occasionally. That was a hairy one since IB crapped out a minute into it. I definitely had a deer in the headlights reaction to that. Just lucky it worked out okay. IB came back up and my price was right at the entry. Would've been prudent to just exit, especially since Sierra Charts never catchup with missing data, so they weren't a reliable roadmap to follow at the moment. I stuck with it though and took some quick points, not waiting for any logical exit.
It's a good time to quit... at least for the morning. Let's see if IB holds steady for awhile.
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