As a follow-up to the recent SFO article, "Shitting on the CCI," I just got my hardcopy of the magazine in the mail today.
Woodie's been saying that at the Mile High CCI Club mini-TAL last week, the reps of SFO were apologizing profusely for the article. It's funny that SFO paid Woodie's expenses to be in Denver. They're also sponsoring the Babs Bush thingy that Woodie will also be appearing in. Someone was asleep at the wheel to allow a Woodie bashing article in the current issue. I bet there are a bunch of room jockeys itching to write a rebuttal article. They definitely let loose with an onslaught of online comments and emails to the editor, one or two which will surely be in next month's issue. It'd be mighty interesting to see a rebuttal tackling the original article's arguments point by point.
The author of the article, Brandy Alexander, has his own website which is mentioned at the end of the hardcopy article. Well, his first name isn't really Brandy, but he must be drunk to charge the prices he does for his real deal un-Woodie holy grail secrets. Everyone's always out to make a buck. Goddamn them.
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